I have missed this space. There have been many days when the word "blog" never crossed my mind, and then there were others when I had a million things to write about and didn't; but I am back for now, and excited to share what the Lord has been doing in my life.
I grew up in a Christian home and came to faith when I was fourteen (I am almost 29, so you do the math!). I attended a basketball camp, and while I was at camp I made the decision to turn from my sin, to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, to make Him Lord of my life, and to accept him as the Savior of my sins. I made that initial decision with gusto, but follow-through has never been an area of strength for me... I knew that I had been "saved" and that Jesus was my "savior", but I did not give control of my life over to him. In the years that followed I lived for myself. I did not grow in my faith or in my relationship with Christ. There were brief periods of time when my passion for God was renewed, but there was never a change in leadership. I continued to be my own boss, and worshiped/served God in a way that best suited MY needs. Patiently, He has been waiting for me to make the connection.
In the last couple of months I began reading a book called Radical by David Platt (thanks to our Sunday School Class at WBC). In it the author describes how the "American Dream" has infiltrated Christianity to such a degree that it (Christianity) reflects our social and cultural aspirations, rather than our lives reflecting Jesus Christ. In other words, Christianity and the "American Dream" have become synonymous, and that is dangerous. In the US we view mega-churches as mega-successful. While we spend millions of dollars on state-of-the-art facilities and programs, people in our city and all over the world are dying without knowing Christ. While we host conferences and fill our parking lots with expensive vehicles, people are dying without knowing Christ. While we sing along with our praise band and make alter calls, people are DYING WITHOUT KNOWING CHRIST. Where do you think that leaves them regarding eternity? Where does that leave us?
Jesus spent the majority of His ministry with 12 men - loving them, teaching them, serving them. Those 12 men then went out and loved, taught, served until a spiritual and relational revolution was mobilized across the entire planet. Where have we gone wrong? Where have I gone wrong? Jesus' last command to his followers was to "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19).", but I have not made a disciple of even ONE person. My years of "salvation" have essentially been wasted pursuing the American Dream...
I was so convicted by my sin (apathy - selfishness - rebellion - fear) that I began to ask the Holy Spirit to mentor me as I studied the Bible for the first time on my own. My eyes have been opened and I have been seeking God's will for my life (and for my family's life) ever since. Through prayer and Bible study, I know that my life has a greater purpose. I am praying that God will use me for that end. I am praying that I will be open to serving God whenever and wherever He wants - whether that is in my neighborhood, in Little Rock (a possibility for fellowship), or in Africa; that my life, my actions, my attitudes will glorify Him and bring others to the knowledge and salvation of Jesus Christ.
So, that's what's going on in my life. Thanks for sharing in it. I hope to keep updating this space as the Lord teaches me and changes me for His glory...