Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 2 Cleanse


The Good:
  • I made it through day one!  Hey, that in itself is an accomplishment - especially when your family is eating cinnamon chip muffins for breakfast and the last chocolate chip cookie is staring you down from it's perch on the kitchen counter... curse you sugary goodness.  Don't worry, I didn't give in to my cravings.  Yay me!
  • I enjoyed the food that I ate.  No, really.  It was all tasty tasty.
  • I slept great last night.  Hooray!  
  • I felt like a rock star for making the commitment and sticking to it.
The Bad:
  • I was tad bit grumpy in a pretty foul mood.  I think I got overly hungry at one point because I found that if I kept up with my eating (especially protein) that I felt better and my mood improved, much to the appreciation of my husband!
  • Last night my stomach felt very bloated (probably from all the fiber -- what my Grandmother would call "roughage") but that passed over night as did a trip to the bathroom (tmi?)
  • I was very tired.  A fact that has carried over into today.  My workout was extra difficult and I just felt all-around beat.

TODAY (Day 2)

What I ate:
OK.  Really quickly...  I started this cleanse in the middle of some painful bad luck.  I bit my tongue and got a "lie" bump.  Ouch, right?!  Overcompensating, I bit the other side and got another bump...  *sigh*  I like to think that I have a high tolerance for pain.  I mean I gave birth to a 9.4lb baby naturally...  I kill myself at the gym 6 days a week.  I was a teacher.  I'm a wife (haha) and a mom...  So, anyway, I think I'm pretty tough.  (Maybe I'm just kidding myself???)  Regardless, these two little bumps are debilitating!  I mean really painful.  So painful that I am having to modify my menu...  like the wuss that I apparently am...  OK, on to the actual food.

  • Breakfastcoffee and a smoothie (almond milk, greek yogurt, whey protein powder, spinach, and blueberries)
  • Lunch: last night I made some lentils with this recipe.  I was very excited to have them for lunch, but they were too spicy and rather painful to my sensitive mouth.  Instead I had a banana and made another smoothie. I have to say that it is the best smoothie I have ever made.  So cool and creamy and satisfying! 

My Green Smoothie: 
half of an avocado, almond milk (approximately 1 - 1.5 cups), spinach (earlier in the week I blended up spinach and almond milk and froze it in ice cube trays for easy access to green smoothies.  I got the idea here and modified it), 2 T wheat germ, 1/4 cup of greek yogurt

  • Snack: Pumpkin Smoothie (3T pumpkin, 1 c almond milk, 3 T greek yogurt, 1 t vanilla extract, 1 T almond butter) - not the best 
  • Dinnera steamed sweet potato with organic butter from grass-fed cows and steamed green beans with olive oil
  • Snack: Strawberry Smoothie (1/4 c full-fat coconut milk, 1/4 c water, 1/2 c almond milk, 4 frozen strawberries, and 1 scoop whey protein powder)

Now, I'm off to bed... Night!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! You are so courageous! I too am seriously dependent on sugar and have been trying something new this month (mostly whole foods). However, I've been failing pretty miserably. So, I'm proud of you :). Keep up the good work.
